Mesothelioma Hope Contributors

Mesothelioma Hope strives to bring our readers the most accurate and up-to-date information about the deadly cancer mesothelioma. To that end, our team works alongside legal and medical experts who check our pages for accuracy and contribute new content. Learn more about how our contributors help make Mesothelioma Hope more accurate, trustworthy, and helpful.

Two doctors walk down a hospital hallway

Board-Certified Medical Reviewers

The medical reviewers we work with are board-certified, licensed practitioners, each of whom has spent many years in their respective fields of study. They follow a precise review process to ensure that the information we provide is current, well-researched, and attributed to reputable sources.

Legal Reviewers

The legal reviewers we work with are experienced professionals with many years of expertise in asbestos litigation. These reviewers ensure our information is up-to-date and accurate to help asbestos victims looking to take legal action.

Site Experts and Contributors

Each Mesothelioma Hope contributor was specifically chosen because of their experience, certifications, and strong reputation.

Mesothelioma is a life-threatening cancer that claims the lives of thousands of Americans every year. Unfortunately, its poor prognosis means that victims often have shorter times to make informed choices about their medical care and legal options.

For this reason, we believe that victims of asbestos exposure deserve helpful, reliable, and trustworthy information — and we firmly believe our contributors will uphold these principles.

Our contributors also undergo a rigorous vetting process to ensure that the content they review, edit, and write adheres to the highest medical and professional standards.

Reviewer Guidelines

Each contributor and author that appears on our site must follow the same principles as the Mesothelioma Hope team.

  1. Accuracy
    Providing the most accurate information is essential for mesothelioma victims and families whose lives are often uprooted by a shocking and grim diagnosis.
  2. Helpfulness
    A mesothelioma diagnosis changes the lives of patients and their loved ones. Families navigating life during this challenging time often feel overwhelmed. Our site takes a holistic approach to mesothelioma, breaking down how the disease is caused, treated, and paid for in easy-to-read pages.
  3. Justice
    Mesothelioma is an entirely preventable cancer. As medical experts continue to work toward a cure, our goal is to help patients achieve a sense of justice by learning about their treatment options or how to access legal compensation.
  4. Trustworthiness
    A medical review gives patients a sense of trust because they know that a professional has verified what they have read.

Professional Affiliations

Awards and Honors